Carl Hockley, who has recently completed his first year as an undergraduate reading Mechanical Engineering has been awarded the Sir Frank Whittle Bursary.
Carl, who is currently conducting summer placement work at Siemens Indistrial Turbomachinery in Lincoln was chosen as a result of his excellent examination results, course work, attendance and participation in extra-curricular activities.
Attending the ceremony at Lincoln’s Guildhall were:
- The Right Worshipful, the Mayor of Lincoln, Councillor Kath Brothwell
- Councillor Neil Murray, Portfolio Holder, Planning & Economic Regeneration
- Andrew Taylor, Chief Executive, City of Lincoln Council
- Rob Smith, Business Services Team Leader, City of Lincoln Council
- Professor Leuan Owen. Deputy Vice Chancellor
- Professor Paul Stewart, Pro Vice Chancellor for Engineering
- Phil Bonner, Aviation Development Officer, Aviation Heritage Lincolnshire
- Dave Harrigan, Outreach & Learning Officer, AHL
- Tim Downing, Chairman, AHL
- Carl Hockley and family – Bursary award