A replica of The Bloodhound, the 42 foot supersonic car which will attempt to set a new world land speed record in South Africa later this year, was on display at the School of Engineering on Monday 9 April. The … Continue reading
Dr Jill Stewart
Lincoln School of Engineering formally opened – Institute of Mechanical Engineers
Last month, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal formally opened the Lincoln School of Engineering – the first new university engineering school to be built in the UK for more than 20 years. Read the IMechE report on the event here: http://www.imeche.org/news/archives/12-02-23/Lincoln_School_of_Engineering_formally_opened.aspx?WT.mc_id=EM_120121 <http://www.imeche.org/news/archives/12-02-23/Lincoln_School_of_Engineering_formally_opened.aspx?WT.mc_id=EM_120121>
School of Engineering Official Royal Opening
HRH Princess Anne formally opened the University of Lincoln’s Engineering Hub on January 19 2012, the first purpose-built UK engineering school in 20 years. The School of Engineering was founded in 2009 by Professor Paul Stewart, who is now the University’s Pro Vice Chancellor Research. The Princess met the university’s Vice Chancellor and the engineering academics […]
The Sir Frank Whittle Bursary Presented to Carl Hockley of the School of Engineering

Carl Hockley, who has recently completed his first year as an undergraduate reading Mechanical Engineering has been awarded the Sir Frank Whittle Bursary.
Carl, who is currently conducting summer placement work at Siemens Indistrial Turbomachinery in Lincoln was chosen as a result of his excellent examination results, course work, attendance and participation in extra-curricular activities.
Attending the ceremony at Lincoln’s Guildhall were:
- The Right Worshipful, the Mayor of Lincoln, Councillor Kath Brothwell
- Councillor Neil Murray, Portfolio Holder, Planning & Economic Regeneration
- Andrew Taylor, Chief Executive, City of Lincoln Council
- Rob Smith, Business Services Team Leader, City of Lincoln Council
- Professor Leuan Owen. Deputy Vice Chancellor
- Professor Paul Stewart, Pro Vice Chancellor for Engineering
- Phil Bonner, Aviation Development Officer, Aviation Heritage Lincolnshire
- Dave Harrigan, Outreach & Learning Officer, AHL
- Tim Downing, Chairman, AHL
- Carl Hockley and family – Bursary award
Transport research R&D skills profile

The Transport Research open days gave us a great opportunity to present on our capabilities, network, and engage in brokerage activities with potential project collaborators.
We have long-standing, significant research experience in these areas and our capabilities in this area can be summarised:
- Power optimised systems for aeronautical and automotive applications, including the More Electric Aircraft and Electric/Hybrid Vehicles
- Electrical machines, power converters and energy storage
- Autonomous vehicles
- Electromechanical/Electrohydraulic actuation systems
- IC and gas turbine combustion, emissions and performance testing, analysis and multi-dimensional (CFD) modelling
- Fluid-Solid interactions
- Dual fuel and alternative fuel combustion
- Advanced, intelligent engine modelling, design and control
- Artificial Intelligence for low carbon transport operation

This is a selection of some of the EU projects which our staff have worked on:
‘PeakFly’ Flywheel Energy Storage PL95-0904
‘FlyTech’ Flywheel Energy Storage BE-95-1616
‘FPEC’ Free Piston Energy Converter GRD2-2001-51813
‘ELVAS’ Electronic Valve Actuation Systems GRD1-2000-25251
‘MOET’ More Open Electrical Technologies AIP5-CT-2006-030861
MAAT Multi-body Advanced Airship for Transport FP7-AAT-2011-RTD-1 Project:285602 (Sept 2011 start.)

R&D Keywords:
Power and Energy, Systems Modeling and Optimisation, Electrical Machines and Drives, Advanced Fuels and Combustion, Control and Simulation, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, More Electric Aircraft, Gas Turbines, Internal Combustion Engine, Advanced Powertrains, Electrical Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Low Carbon Operation, CFD