A presentation on the Airport Environmental Investment Toolkit which is run by Dr Francesca Medda at UCL and given at the last Airport Energy Technologies Network AETN event at the Manchester Airport Concorde Centre in February 2012 can be downloaded here: Manchester 20120201_Slides_M_Vermorken
Integrating and automating airport operations meeting at Stirling University
Prof Stewart is currently at the University of Stirling meeting with Professor Edmund Burke who has moved here to take the role of Deputy Principal Research, from his previous post of Dean of Science at the University of Nottingham. We have been meeting to discuss the direction of our EPSRC project ‘Integrating and Automating Airport […]
Aircraft of the future could capture and re-use some of their own power – EPSRC news
Tomorrow’s aircraft could contribute to their power needs by harnessing energy from the wheel rotation of their landing gear to generate electricity. They could use this to power their taxiing to and from airport buildings, reducing the need to use their jet engines. This would save on aviation fuel, cut emissions and reduce noise pollution […]
AETN Airport Energy Technologies Network event at University of Lincoln 8th and 9th September 2011

Air Transport Research Workshop – University of Lincoln
School of Engineering – 8th and 9th September 2011
Attendance is free – please contact Denise Bateman dbateman@lincoln.ac.uk to register.
AETN Website: www.energy-institute.eu/AETN
AETN Blog: www.energy-institute.eu/wordpress

About AETN The workshop is organised by the EPSRC funded Airport Energy Technologies Network (AETN), which was founded in 2008 to develop the low carbon energy research community and its links with the key industrial and commercial players in the Airport, Airline and Aeronautical industries. The Network participants are conducting research projects which represent high value to commerce and industry in terms of energy efficiency, reduced emissions, and compliance with future operating practices and legislation.
Day 1 – 8th September 2011
Current research activity in the AETN Network
10.30 Arrival and coffee
11.00-11.30 Introduction and welcome – Prof Paul Stewart
11.30-12.00 Energy and indoor environmental control of airport buildings
12.00-12.30 Environmental investment toolkit
12.30-13.00 Surface access and environmental change
Lunch and networking
14.00-14.30 Changing airflow over the airfield (baffles)
14.30-15.00 Energy recovery from landing aircraft
15.00-15.30 EU FP7 Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport MAAT Project – Prof Paul Stewart
Coffee and networking
16.00-17.00 AETN meeting roundup
- Transportation Research Board paper/Energies Journal special issue
- Website/Blog/JiscMail – Dr Tim Ryley/Prof Paul Stewart
Day 2 – 9th September 2011
Forming Future Collaborative Research
10.00-10.30 Arrival and coffee
10.30-11.00 Roundup and intro – Dr Tim Ryley/Prof Paul Stewart
11.00-11.30 Integrating and automating airport operations
11.30-12.30 Improvements in Airport Operations by Enhanced Runway Sequencing and Pushback Time Allocation– Professor Edmund Burke, University of Nottingham
Lunch and networking
13.30-14.00 Social network research – Prof Shaun Lawson, University of Lincoln
14.00-15.30 EU FP7 Transport (Including avionics) Call – Prof Paul Stewart
Coffee and networking
15.45-close Collaborative Research Round Table – Paul/Tim
Contact the AETN
Please contact Denise Bateman, the AETN Co-ordinator email: dbateman@lincoln.ac.uk
AETN Director
Professor Paul Stewart – Pro Vice Chancellor Research
School of Engineering
University of Lincoln LN6 7TS
email: pstewart@lincoln.ac.uk
AETN Co-director
Dr Tim Ryley – Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies
Dept. Civil and Building Engineering
University of Loughborough LE11 3TU
Email: t.j.ryley@lboro.ac.uk
Tel +44 1509 223422
Research Council ‘Sandpits’
Sandpits are an increasingly popular choice for the distribution of Research funding by RCUK. I have just been part of an EPSRC evaluation exercise on Sandpits, so I thought I would dig some photos out of the archive and give an idea of what goes on, which I hope is helpful to those unfamiliar to this process.

I’ll deal with the application process in another blog, as it requires a different approach to conventional grant applications. My experience is with EPSRC sandpits, which are held in country hotels with large function facilities.
PIC1 illustrates the state of play towards the end of day 1 of the EPSRC ‘LowCarbon Airports’ Sandpit which was held towards the end of 2008. At this point, we had checked in, completed some ice-breakers, and in groups had started to brainstorm the issues associated with the theme. The yellow cards on the floor are the outputs of this process which are now being moved around and coalescing into challenges (PIC2).

The process is one of the most intensive and tiring experiences. Starting at 9.00, the activities run generally until 18.00, however that’s when the hard work really starts, with clusters working long into the night. Actually in some cases, all night!.
Be prepared to do a lot of presenting! The ideas, as they coalesce are repeatedly presented by their champions and honed by criticism (both positive and negative) from the floor. It’s at these points that clear projects and project groupings start to emerge (PIC3).
Who’s there?

There are generally three groups of attendees:
Academics who are the focus of the Sandpit
Facilitators – a professional team which runs the Sandpit and guides the process through its stages to fruition
Stakeholders – Industry and commercial interest groups are represented to maintain the applicability of the outcomes
Interestingly, in the background of PIC3 is a poster which I put up with points which are highly salient golden rules for Sandpit participants on all sides:
Stakeholders – ‘suspend disbelief’ in impracticalities
Issues – problems rather than solutions
Academics – ‘forget’ initial preferences and objectives – think outside the box

All of which is intended to facilitate the creative process. By day 3, a number of projects have started to emerge, with a core set of champions, loose ‘memberships’ and plenty of ‘floating voters’. Essentially, there is a fixed budget for each sandpit, and open competition for funding, so the process is both collaborative and highly competitive. In this case, there was a budget of £3.4M, with 10 strong contenders emerging….

Now the strategic ‘haggling’ between individuals and groups begins, as the competition increases to produce credible,fundable projects, and also to maximise individual involvement. A word of caution here is credibility. There is no difference between this part of the process and any other proposal procedure. Not only is a well thought out project plan with credible partnerships an absolute necessity, but also the crucial aspects of adventure, risk and most importantly ‘risk mitigation strategies’.
Unique to this process is that funding is allocated on the final day of the Sandpit, so all potential projects must be fully costed, with finalised members, objectives and project plans.

There is no limit to the number of projects which you can propose, or the number of projects in which you can be involved. However there is generally a strong steer from the Stakeholders as to the preferred projects and groupings as they develop. Finally, the projects are ranked in preferential order, and a steer is given as to what adjustments need to be made to costings on the individual projects.

In this Sandpit, 10 projects were proposed, with 7 being funded to a total of £3.4M. Three of the projects are currently running here at the University of Lincoln in the School of Engineering.
Most importantly, 19 out of the 22 participants came away with something to show for all the effort, ranging from studentships up to PI of large multi-centre projects.

All in all a very positive experience on the whole. In particular, the sandpit sparked multi-disciplinary, inter university collaboration which has acted as gearing for subsequent collaborative projects. all that’s left to do after the event is to make sure you get your full proposal in through the JeS system in time!
You can find out more about the funded projects via the Airport Energy Technologies Network (AETN) which is hosted in the School of Engineering at the University of Lincoln: