Russian regional TV aired on the results of our recent EU FP7 MAAT project meeting in Taganrog.
Power and Energy Systems Research Institute
Research Collaboration meeting with Professor Rui Chen from the University of Loughborough
Yesterday (25th Sept 2012) Rui Chen, Professor of Low Carbon Engineering in the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering at the University of Loughborough visited PESRI to discuss research collaboration. Prof Chen and PESRI’s Prof Paul Stewart have been collaborating on research for around 10 years, including being Principal Investigators on the EPSRC Grant: GR/S97507/01 ‘Zero […]
EU FP7 MAAT Airship project 12 month meeting in Russia
Members of the PESRI team are currently in Taganrog, Russia at a 12 monthly reporting meeting hosted by the Southern Federal University SFEDU Significant progress has been made on the project, with the current meeting looking to steer the partners’ technical efforts in the next six months leading up to interim reporting to the EU […]
Dr Jill Stewart, Head of Engineering becomes IMechE Fellow at 36!
Dr Jill Stewart, Head of the School of Engineering at the University of Lincoln and member of PESRI, has been elected to Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers at the age of 36. Read the full article on the IMechE website at
Energies, Volume 5, Issue 8 (August 2012), Pages Pages 2626-3166
Energies, Volume 5, Issue 8 (August 2012), Pages Pages 2626-3166 Table of Contents: Ali Mirchi, Saeed Hadian, Kaveh Madani, Omid M. Rouhani and Azadeh M. Rouhani Article: World Energy Balance Outlook and OPEC Production Capacity: Implications for Global Oil Security Energies 2012, 5(8), 2626-2651; doi:10.3390/en5082626 Héctor Zazo, Esteban del Castillo, Jean François […]