Monday 27th June 2011, ICMAT 2011 Singapore
Heparan Sulfate Determines the Modes of Diffusion of Fibroblast Growth Factor2 within the Pericellular Matrix
Laurence DUCHESNE1, Vivien OCTEAU2, Rachel BEARON3, Paul STEWART4, Jun CHEN5, Ian PRIOR6, Alison BECKETT6, Brahim LOUNIS2, David FERNIG7#+
1Institut du Fer à Moulin, UMR-S 839 INSERM, University Pierre and Marie Curie, France, 2University of Bordeaux, France, 3Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, 4School of Engineering, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom, 5Department of Engineering, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom, 6Physiological Laboratory, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, 7Structural and Chemical biology, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Biological Imaging Using Ultra-Stable Nanoparticles
Katie WILSON (University of Liverpool), Laurence DUCHESNE, Patricia MURRAY (University of Liverpool), Matthew ROSSEINSKY (University of Liverpool), David FERNIG