Partners on the EU FP7 Advanced Airship project: University of Bologna, Italy

Organization: University of Bologna – Department of Mechanical, Nuclear, Aeronautical Constructions (DIEM) Short name: UniBo

General Description

The University of Bologna (UniBo) Research Unit (RU) belongs to the DIEM (Department of Mechanical, Nu- clear, Aeronautical Constructions), which mainly operates in the mechanical and aerospace engineering. The aerospace engineering laboratory of the DIEM is located at the II School of Engineering of the University of Bo- logna. The Disciplinary Scientific Sectors of reference of the teachers and the researchers of the DIEM and the relative didactic and research activities are: mechanics of the flight, fluid machines, systems for the energy and the environment, mechanics applied to the machines, mechanical planning and construction of machines, sketch and Methods of the industrial engineering, technologies and systems of Workmanship, plants mechanical Indus- trialists, Industrial bioengineering, constructions and aerospace structures, physics of the nuclear reactors, fluid dynamic, plants and aerospace systems.

Main related expertise

Prof. Franco Persiani, full Professor of Aircraft Structure Design for Aerospace Engineers at the Second Fac- ulty of Engineering at the University of Bologna. His research interests focus on Design and Methods in Indus- trial Engineering and, in the last years, on the industrial development of UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems). He is president of AIDAA (National Aeronautics and Astronautics Association), member of the Scientific Committee of ICAS (International Congress on Aeronautical Sciences), and member of the trustee board of CEAS (Council of European Aerospace Society). He was member of the board of the Italian ANSV (Agenzia Nazionale Sicurezza Volo). Related publications (others related publications in attachment):

F. Persiani, F. De Crescenzio, G. Miranda, T. Bombardi M. Fabbri, F. Boscolo. (2009). 3d Obstacle Avoidance Strategies For UASS Mission Planning And Re-Planning. Journal Of Aircraft. Vol. 46 Issues 3, Pp. 832 – 846 Issn: 0021-8669. Bagassi S., De Crescenzio F., Persiani F. (2010). Design And Evaluation Of A Four-Dimensional Interface For Air Traffic Control. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers. Part G, Journal Of Aerospace En- gineering. Vol. 224, Number 8/2010, Pp. 937 – 947 Issn: 0954-4100.

Alessandro Ceruti, PhD, assistant Professor at the Second Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bologna. His interests deal with Design Tools applied to Industrial and Aerospace Engineering. He is author or co-author of conference and journal papers related to optimization techniques and design for industrial and aerospace ap- plications. He is involved in research grants with companies working in aeronautic field. Currently he is teacher of Aircraft Drawing and Design at the Second Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna. He is mem- ber of the ADM (Italian Machine Design Association) and AIDAA (Italian National Aeronautics and Astronaut- ics Association).

Related publications (others related publications in attachment): A. Ceruti, F. De Crescenzio, F. Flamigni, F.Persiani. (2004). Design Of An Advanced Ground Station For Simul- taneous Control Of Multiple UAVs In A Coordinated Mission. Proceedings Of The 24th International Congress Of The Aeronautical Sciences, Yokohama – Japan. 29 August – 3 September 2004. A. Ceruti, E. Troiani. (2009). Structural Design And Manufacturing Of UAV Built With Rapid Prototyping Techniques. Proceedings Of The Xx Congresso Nazionale A.I.D.A.A, Milano (It), June 29 – July 3, 2009.