MAAT EU FP7 Advanced Airship who’s who? – Taganrog Technological Institute Southern Federal University, Russia

Organization: Taganrog Technological Institute Southern Federal University, Russia. Short name: SFEDU

General Description

At present SFEDU, the legal successor of Rostov State University comprises Technological, Pedagogical and Architecture Institutes, 36 faculties, 23 branches, 70 Research units. Sedum has 2 campuses in Rostov and Ta- ganrog. The academic and research staff includes 4 Full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 Asso- ciates of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Associates of the Russian Academy of Education, 400 Professors and Doctors of Science, 1525 Candidates, 26 State Prizewinners and 17 Honorary Scientists of RF. Many SFedU alumni have become outstanding figures in their respective fields and include the Nobel Prize Winner – Alexan- der Solzhenitsyn, Full Members of the Academy of Science of RF, heads of state bodies, industry and research organizations, remarkable researchers and academics of foreign universities. SFedU has well-established interna- tional links with more than 300 universities and institutes from 50 countries.

Main related expertise

Vjacheslav Pshikhopov – Ph.D. of Control Engineering (1997), DSc of Control Engineering (2009). He is re- cipient of 10 grants of Russian Foundation of Basic Research and Ministry of Education of Russian Federation in field of theory and design methods of nonlinear multi‐linked control systems for vehicles. He is director of pro- jects on vehicle and airship control systems design for Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation, Russian De- fense Export, Aerospace agency of China. He is author of 100 scientific publications. Experience in field of pro- jects is 30 year.

Mikhail Medvedev – Ph.D. of Control Engineering (1999). He is recipient of grants of Russian Foundation of Basic Research and Ministry of Education. Field of experience is adaptive and robust control for nonlinear multi‐linked systems, control systems for power grids. He is author of 90 scientific publications. Experience in field of projects is 15 year.

Vladimir Kostjukov – Ph.D. of Electrical Engineering (2006). Field of experience is electrodynamics, power saving, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, computational dynamic of continuum, programs for computational dy- namic of continuum (ANSYS Fluent, CFX, SolidWorks). He is author of 20 scientific publications. Experience in field of projects is 8 year.

Related publications (others related publications in attachment): Pshikhopov V.Kh. Medvedev M.Yu. Structural Design of the Control System for Mobile Robots with Distur- bances Estimation // FACTA UNIVERSITATIS. Series: Automatic Control and Robotics Vol. 7, No 1, 2008, pp. 111 – 120. Pshikhopov V.Kh. Medvedev M. Y., Sirotenko M.Y., Kostjukov V.A. Control System Design for Robotic Air- ship // Preprints of the 9‐th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control. Gifu, Japan. September 9 – 12, 2009. Pp. 123 – 128.

Anatoly Gaiduk – Ph.D. of Control Engineering (1970), DSc of Control Engineering (1987). He is recipient of grants of Russian Foundation of Basic Research and Ministry of Education. Field of experience is control theory, stability, invariance, optimal control, estimation. He is author of 170 scientific publications. Experience in field of projects is 47 year.

Related publication: Gaiduk A.R. «Selecting the Feedback in a Control System of Minimum Complexity» // Automation and Remote Control. V. 51. No 5. Part 1, 1990. P. 593–601.