Energies, Volume 6, Issue 10 (October 2013), Pages 4956-5596

Energies, Volume 6, Issue 10 (October 2013), Pages 4956-5596 http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/6/10/ Table of Contents: Cheol-Hee Yoo, Il-Yop Chung, Hak-Ju Lee and Sung-Soo Hong Article: Intelligent Control of Battery Energy Storage for Multi-Agent Based Microgrid Energy Management Energies 2013, 6(10), 4956-4979; doi:10.3390/en6104956 http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/6/10/4956/ Ping Zheng, Fan Wu, Yu Lei, Yi Sui and Bin Yu Article: Investigation of […]

Latest Newsletter about the EU-funded FP7 project “MAAT – Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport”

Here is the latest Newsletter about our EU-funded FP7 project “MAAT – Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport”. We hope you enjoy reading the newsletter. Read more about MAAT: MAAT – Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport The newsletter is produced by: LNC LogisticNetwork Consultants GmbH Breite Straße 7, 30159 Hannover E-Mail: Lars.Guensel@LNC-Hannover.de Tel: +49 511 35 […]

Nano Particles as Probes: Messy Simulation Lab 101

Messy Simulation Lab 101 There is a classic representation of diffusion for particles with Brownian behaviour which will serve as a good introduction to the Messy Simulation Lab.The diffusion will begin as a Dirac Delta Function with all the particles at some point of origin at time t=0. As time runs from the initial condition, […]

EU FP7 ACHEON Project WP5 Technology Evaluation progress update

The purpose of Work Package 5, Technology Evaluation, is to provide a detailed verification of ACHEON’s technology against both traditional and innovative future aircraft configurations. The key objective is to identify the advantages that the ACHEON technology brings with its advanced propulsive concept in all aspects of the aircrafts operations and its environmental impact. It […]