EU FP7 Multibody Advanced Airship for Transportation WP8 DEMONSTRATOR WORKSHOP

  Tim Smith and Prof Stewart are leaving for The University of Reggio Emilia tomorrow for the WP8 DEMONSTRATOR WORKSHOP at Reggio Emilia Innovazione, via Sicilia 31, Reggio Emilia, I-42122:  AGENDA 8 January 2013 9.00 Registration 9.15-10.30 Requirements, Specifications and Use cases: sizing the demonstrators and demonstrator mission: what are we aiming to demonstrate in flight and at […]

Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport Electrical Power Distribution System

Transport for the 21st Century—The Challenge – The MAAT Electrical Power Distribution System  – Four physical power distribution architectures have  been investigated that are capable of harvesting and distributing 4MW of electrical energy: Primary Distribution Secondary Distribution Matrix Distribution Hybrid or “Ad hoc” Distribution. It is envisaged that the wiring will be through the body […]